Moving Mountains Campaign
Help us raise money for our communities in need.
Goal for 2024/2025
Our Community Partnerships
View our previous and future partnerships with the Hamilton community. We aim to volunteer with our local community in a sustainable manner, making a real impact.
The Hamilton Dream Center
Join us at our volunteering event with The Hamilton Dream Center to help organize donations, stock shelves and pantries, and support the community and center!
We will be having another event on Nov 28. Sign up now!
Kits for A Cause
In 2023-2024, we had a Community Care Kit Initiative to support the De dwa da dehs nyes Aboriginal Health Centre in their efforts to improve the well-being of Indigenous individuals, families, and communities. Each kit was assembled by McMaster MEDLIFE and delivered directly to those in need through the Health Centre.
This year, we plan to host another event with Kits for A Cause in December or January, we are currently fundraising for kit supplies and need your help. Please learn more to support our fundraising initiatives!
The Good Shepherd
Good Shepherds is an organization that provides support for individuals and communities in need within the Hamilton community. A large component that makes up this organization is the support and care from volunteers. Last year, we partnered with Good Shepherd at their venture centre - which is home to their food bank/venture program. Volunteers assisted in the marketplace (re-stocking product, clothing and small housewares, checkout) as well as donation sorting and repackaging of bulk items.
Aboriginal Health Centre
Community Care Kit Initiative to support the De dwa da dehs nyes Aboriginal Health Centre in their efforts to improve the well-being of Indigenous individuals, families, and communities. Each kit will be assembled by McMaster MEDLIFE and delivered directly to those in need through the Health Centre.